Henry Bates Grubb

Henry Bates Grubb was a thirdgeneration member of the Grubb Family Iron Dynasty, the founder of the familys enterprises headquartered at Mount Hope near Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and perhaps the familys first true ironmaster. He was the son and heir of Peter Grubb, Jr. who, with his brother Curtis, had owned and operated the Cornwall ironworks originally founded by their father Peter Grubb in 1737. Henry and his heirs rebuilt the family business after most of the original Peter Grubb holdings were gradually acquired by Robert Coleman between 1783 and 1802. The Grubbs and Colemans were among the largest iron producers in Pennsylvania through the mid19th century.

Henry Bates Grubb, the second son of Peter Grubb, Jr., was born at Hopewell on February 6, 1774. His mother died after childbirth, leaving Henry and his older brother in the care of a cousin Hannah Bellarby Grubb. Hannah soon bore their father a daughter, Hannah Elizabeth, but Peter didnt want to marry so Hannah and her daughter left Peters household, apparently for his brother Curtis household, whose wife had also died and whose son Jehu Grubb she also apparently bore. The boys were at school in York, Pennsylvania, when their father committed suicide in 1786.

Source: Wikipedia